Infineon had previously supplied Apple with a chip known as a baseband processor that helps connect the phone to wireless networks. Infineon still has a small chip in the iPhone, but Mr. Rassweiler said it's far less significant, and a lot less costly, than the one it supplied Apple before.
"It's almost like Apple threw them a bone with a 50-cent part after they lost a much more high-profile chip that cost about $10," he said.
The switch is a setback for Intel Corp., which dominates chips for desktops and servers but has struggled to get a foothold in the exploding market for smartphones and tablets. Intel spent $1.4 billion to acquire Infineon's wireless chip operations last year in a move seen as an attempt to help close that gap. The chip giant has struggled to win business for its own Atom line of mobile-device microprocessors.
Intel spokesman Chuck Mulloy declined to comment. Apple didn't respond to a request for comment.
Phone manufacturers routinely prevent their suppliers from disclosing their role publicly, so iSuppli regularly tears up devices to figure out who the vendors are and price out each part. The exercise can reveal details of who's up and who's down in the supply chain and give a fair idea of how much money Apple makes on each device.
In the case of the iPhone 4S, Mr. Rassweiler estimates that Apple buys parts worth $188 for the 16-gigabyte version, $207 for the 32-gigabyte version and $245 for the 64-gigabyte version. Apple sells the phones in the U.S. for $649, $749 and $849, respectively – although carriers will cover $450 of the price if buyers sign up for a two-year service plan.
The costliest components are the ones that determine the price: Memory chips. Apple has been known in the past to rely mostly upon South Korea's Samsung, the world's largest supplier of memory, and from Japan's Toshiba. In the phone that Mr. Rassweiler's team tore down, however, the memory chips came from Samsung rival Hynix Semiconductor.
That's unusual, iSuppli said, because Hynix isn't typically seen as a first-run supplier, a position reserved more the most reliable vendors.
Warning against a conclusion that Apple has bounced Samsung out of the phone, Mr. Rassweiler said memory chips are a commodity and can differ from iPhone to iPhone, as handset makers like to maintain diverse supply.
Also, Samsung appears to have maintained its more important role as manufacturer of the Apple-designed A5 processor, which provides the iPhone 4S – as well as the iPad 2 -- with most of its computing horsepower.
Apple started using its own chip designs in the iPhone and iPad beginning in 2010 with the release of its first tablet, and has turned to Samsung to make them.
Some in the industry have speculated that Apple might extend its legal dispute to the factory floor by taking its manufacturing contract to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the huge chip manufacturing foundry. But Mr. Rassweiler says there's no sign of that on the latest A5 chips.
The new iPhone's highly regarded 8-megapixel camera is another mystery. It's the one part whose vendor Mr. Rassweiler couldn't identify, and he said Apple appears to have taken pains to hide the supplier's identity.
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